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MAGE - Souleaters (GFB Version) by BlakW

Exp Hour: No bonus = 180k ~ 350k | Bonus = 250k ~ 550k
Exp Hour (lure mode): No bonus = 320k ~ 550k | Bonus = 400k ~ 630k
Loot Hour: +10k to +40k
Vocation: Sorcerer / Druid
Difficulty: Moderate
Level: 160+

Quests: The New Frontier Quest (All) + Children of the Revolution Quest (All) + Wrath of the Emperor Quest (Mission 3) 

Attention: Make sure you correctly assign the area rune on Tibia Hotkeys, if Force Press Rune option is enabled then it must be Use On Target else it must be Use With Crosshairs.
Do not use Brown Backpacks or character will get stuck.

Notes: You can use teleport shortcut (must deliver at least 8 tomes of knowledge) or go around. Enable/disable at script setup.
You can use lure mode to increase your exp/hour rate. Enable/disable at script setup.

Price: 450k
Contact: bestibotscripts@gmail.com (email or msn) / bestibotscripts (skype with messages only, no audio)


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