MAGE - Fenrock Dragon Lair (Spells Verison) by BlakW
Exp/hour No bonus = 160k ~ 340k | Bonus = 230k ~ 390k
Loot/hour -20k to +10k
Recommended level: 150+
Vocation: Sorcerer / Druid
Difficulty: Moderate
Quest required: In Service of Yalahar Quest + The Hidden City of Beregar Quest
Contact: (email or msn) / bestibotscripts (skype with messages only, no audio)
Loot/hour -20k to +10k
Recommended level: 150+
Vocation: Sorcerer / Druid
Difficulty: Moderate
Quest required: In Service of Yalahar Quest + The Hidden City of Beregar Quest
Notes: You may miss some loots due to fire bombs.
Price: 500k
You can use shortcut (need to finish entire The
Hidden Beregar City Quest). Enable/disable at script setup.
Must carry at least 2 Golden
Make sure Tibia Client > Options >
General > Auto Chase Off is enabled.
Do not use Brown Backpacks or
character will get stuck.
Contact: (email or msn) / bestibotscripts (skype with messages only, no audio)