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(WindBot) ED - Yalahar Grim Reapers by BUgWT

Exp/hour 750k to 1200k
Loot/hour -15k to 15k
Recommended level: 300+ (Softcore) | 350+ (Hardcore)
Vocation: Druid
Difficulty: Hard

Tip: We strongly recommend wearing physical protection equipment while running this script.

In Service of Yalahar Quest.


Price: 2.5kk
Contact https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(WindBot) MS - Yalahar Grim Reapers by BUgWT

Exp/hour 750k to 1200k
Loot/hour -15k to 15k
Recommended level: 300+ (Softcore) | 350+ (Hardcore)
Vocation: Sorcerer
Difficulty: Hard

Tip: We strongly recommend wearing physical protection equipment while running this script.

In Service of Yalahar Quest.


Price: 2.5kk

(WindBot) MS - Penisula Tomb by BUgWT

Exp/hour 200k to 280k
Loot/hour -10k to 10k
Recommended level: 85+
Vocation: Sorcerer
Difficulty: Hard

Scarab coins.


Price: 650k

(WindBot) ED - Penisula Tomb by BUgWT

Exp/hour 200k to 280k
Loot/hour -10k to 10k
Recommended level: 85+
Vocation: Druid
Difficulty: Hard

Scarab coins.


Price: 650k

(WindBot) MS - Stone Tomb by BUgWT

Exp/hour 200k to 280k
Loot/hour -10k to 10k
Recommended level: 85+
Vocation: Sorcerer
Difficulty: Hard

Scarab coins.

Price: 650k

(WindBot) ED - Stone Tomb by BUgWT

Exp/hour 200k to 280k
Loot/hour -10k to 10k
Recommended level: 85+
Vocation: Druid
Difficulty: Hard

Scarab coins.

Price: 650k

(WindBot) MS - Lizard City by BUgWT

Exp/hour 600k to 1000k
Loot/hour -15k to 50k
Recommended level: 250+ (Softcore) | 300+ (Hardcore)
Vocation: Sorcerer
Difficulty: Hard

The New Frontier Quest.
Children of the Revolution Quest.
Wrath of the Emperor Quest – Up to mission 7.

Price: 3kk

(WindBot) ED - Lizard City by BUgWT

Exp/hour 600k to 1000k
Loot/hour -15k to 50k
Recommended level: 250+ (Softcore) | 300+ (Hardcore)
Vocation: Druid
Difficulty: Hard

The New Frontier Quest.
Children of the Revolution Quest.
Wrath of the Emperor Quest – Up to mission 7.
Price: 3kk

(WindBot) MS - Hardcore Bugs by BUgWT

Exp/hour 450k to 700k
Loot/hour -15k to 40k
Recommended level: 250+ (Softcore) | 300+ (Hardcore)
Vocation: Sorcerer
Difficulty: Hard


(WindBot) ED - Hardcore Bugs by BUgWT

Exp/hour 450k to 700k
Loot/hour -15k to 40k
Recommended level: 250+ (Softcore) | 300+ (Hardcore)
Vocation: Druid
Difficulty: Hard


(WindBot) MS - Goroma Serpent Spawns by BUgWT

Exp/hour 400k to 700k
Loot/hour -10k to 40k
Recommended level: 220+ (Surface) | 270+ (Bottom)
Vocation: Sorcerer
Difficulty: Hard




(WindBot) ED - Goroma Serpent Spawns by BUgWT

Exp/hour 400k to 700k
Loot/hour -10k to 40k
Recommended level: 220+ (Surface) | 270+ (Bottom)
Vocation: Druid
Difficulty: Hard




(WindBot) ED - Souleater by BUgWT

Exp/hour 400k to 750k
Loot/hour 0k to 40k
Recommended level: 160+ (Softcore) | 200+ (Hardcore)
Vocation: Druid
Difficulty: Hard


(WindBot) MS - Souleaters by BUgWT

Exp/hour 400k to 750k
Loot/hour 0k to 40k
Recommended level: 160+ (Softcore) | 200+ (Hardcore)
Vocation: Sorcerer
Difficulty: Hard

The New Frontier Quest.
Children of the Revolution Quest.


Price: 1.5kk

(iBot) RP - Roshamuul Frazzlemaw Hill AS/BA by BlakW

Exp Hour: No bonus = 280k ~ 450k | Bonus = 420k ~ 620k
Loot/hour +30k to +130k
Vocation: Paladin
Difficulty: Hard
Recommended level: 270+
Quest required: VoodooMaster Quest

Assassin Stars/Bolts/Arrows Version. 
Make sure you always carry a Normal Rope.
It does not use Roshamuul Depot, starts at Edron. 
Do not use Brown Backpacks or character will get stuck. 
Price: 450k
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(WindBot) EK - Insane Banuta by BUgWT

Exp Hour: 600k to 900k
Loot/hour -20k to 40k
Vocation: Knight
Difficulty: Hard
Recommended level: 300+

Notes:  Stats may vary depending on your specs and setup options.
Tip: We recommend using garlic necklaces while running this script.

The Ape City Quest.
Wrath of the Emperor Quest. (Up to mission 4)
Egg of the Many shortcut.


Price: 2.5kk
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(WindBot) EK - Hardcore Deeplings by BUgWT

Exp Hour: 500k to 650k
Loot/hour 10k to 60k
Vocation: Knight
Difficulty: Hard
Recommended level: 300+

Liquid Black Quest. (Up to mission “The First Visitor”)


Price: 2.5kk
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(WindBot) EK - Hardcore Bugs by BUgWT

Exp Hour: 350k to 600k
Loot/hour 5k to 40k
Vocation: Knight
Difficulty: Moderate
Recommended level: 250+ (Softcore) | 300+ (Hardcore)

The New Frontier Quest.
Children of the Revolution Quest.


Price: 2kk
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(WindBot) EK - Fire Dragon Dojo Chosens by BUgWT

Exp Hour: 450k to 700k
Loot/hour -5k to 60k
Vocation: Knight
Difficulty: Hard
Recommended level: 250+ (Softcore) | 300+ (Intermediate) | 320+ (Hardcore)

The New Frontier Quest.
Children of the Revolution Quest.
Wrath of the Emperor Quest. (Up to mission 6)


Price: 2kk
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(WindBot) EK - Elemental Spheres by BUgWT

Exp Hour: 150k to 220k
Loot/hour 20k to 50k
Vocation: Knight
Difficulty: Easy
Recommended level: 180+
Required: Elemental Spheres Quest – Mission 1., At least 20 Small Enchanted Amethysts. 


Price: 1kk
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(iBot) EK - Hardcore Deep Banuta -2, NW -1 by Noxuos

Exp/hour 400K-250K(300+)(No Bonus) 525K-560K(350+)(No Bonus)600K-650K(400+)(No Bonus)
Loot/hour +5k to +20k
Recommended level: 300+, 350+, 400+(All Can Use Hardcore Mode: [Turns Targeting Off, Runs In The Middle, Turns Targeting On, Seen In Video])
Vocation: Knight
Difficulty: HardCore

Do Not Use Brown, Red, Or Camouflage Backpack's Or The Script Will Get Stuck       

Price: 550k
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(iBot) RP - Farmine Dragonblaze Dragons West by BlakW

Exp Hour: No bonus = 110k ~ 180k | Bonus = 160k ~ 240k
Loot/hour -10k to +10k
Vocation: Paladin
Difficulty: Easy
Recommended level: 130+
Quest required: The New Frontier Quest (mission 8)

Bolts/Arrows (any) Version. 

You may miss some loots due to fire bombs.
You can use teleport shortcut (must deliver at least 8 tomes of knowledge) or go around. Enable/disable at script setup.
If you wish to use/repair soft boots you can use Flying Carpet (need last mission of New Frontier Quest) path or Cormaya path.
Make sure Tibia Client > Options > General > Auto Chase Off is enabled. 

Do not use Brown Backpacks or character will get stuck. 

Price: 250k
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(iBot) EK - Yalahar New War Golems by Eli

Exp Hour: 250k/h - 380k/h (Depends of Character LvL/Hunting Settings)
Loot Hour: -15k/h - +50k/h
Vocation: Knight
Difficulty: Normal
Level: 270+

Others: sirmate’s Library

Notes: If you start script in depot already refilled or on spawn, make sure you have ore vagon ticket purchased.

Price: 400k
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(iBot) MS - Razachai Lizard City by BlakW

Exp Hour: No bonus = 400k ~ 800k | Bonus = 600k ~ 1200k
Loot Hour: -15k to +40k
Vocation: Sorcerer
Difficulty: Hard
Level: 300+ 
Quest required: The New Frontier Quest (All) + Children of the Revolution Quest (All) + Wrath of the Emperor Quest (Mission 7)
Others: Sirmate Library is requireied.

Avalanche Rune Version.  

You can use teleport shortcut (must deliver at least 8 tomes of knowledge) or go around. Enable/disable at script setup.
You may miss some loots due to dead bodies on top of each other.
Battle Window size must contain at least 6 creatures for increased targeting performance. 

Make sure you correctly assign the area rune on Tibia Hotkeys, if Force Press Rune option is enabled then it must be Use On Target else it must be Use With Crosshairs.
Do not use Brown Backpacks or character will get stuck.

Price: 600k
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(iBot) ED - Razachai Lizard City by BlakW

Exp Hour: No bonus = 400k ~ 800k | Bonus = 600k ~ 1200k
Loot Hour: -15k to +40k
Vocation: Druid
Difficulty: Hard
Level: 300+ 
Quest required: The New Frontier Quest (All) + Children of the Revolution Quest (All) + Wrath of the Emperor Quest (Mission 7)
Others: Sirmate Library is requireied.

Avalanche Rune Version.  

You can use teleport shortcut (must deliver at least 8 tomes of knowledge) or go around. Enable/disable at script setup.
You may miss some loots due to dead bodies on top of each other.
Battle Window size must contain at least 6 creatures for increased targeting performance. 

Make sure you correctly assign the area rune on Tibia Hotkeys, if Force Press Rune option is enabled then it must be Use On Target else it must be Use With Crosshairs.
Do not use Brown Backpacks or character will get stuck

Price: 600k
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(iBot) MS - Gnomebase Hot Spot (AVA) By BlakW

Exp Hour: No bonus = 250k ~ 420k | Bonus = 380k ~ 640k
Loot Hour: -5k to +25k
Vocation: Sorcerer
Difficulty: Hard
Level: 250+ 
Quest required: Bigfoot's Burden Quest (Rank 2)

Avalanche Rune Version.  

You may miss some loots due to fire bombs.
It will buy Teleport Crystals in case there are none (Soft Boots Refiller). 

Make sure you correctly assign the area rune on Tibia Hotkeys, if Force Press Rune option is enabled then it must be Use On Target else it must be Use With Crosshairs.
Do not use Brown Backpacks or character will get stuck. 

Price: 500k
Contact: bestibotscripts@gmail.com (email or msn) / bestibotscripts (skype with messages only, no audio)

(iBot) ED - Gnomebase Hot Spot (AVA) by BlakW

Exp Hour: No bonus = 250k ~ 420k | Bonus = 380k ~ 640k
Loot Hour: -5k to +25k
Vocation: Druid
Difficulty: Hard
Level: 250+ 
Quest required: Bigfoot's Burden Quest (Rank 2)

Avalanche Rune Version.  

You may miss some loots due to fire bombs.
It will buy Teleport Crystals in case there are none (Soft Boots Refiller). 

Make sure you correctly assign the area rune on Tibia Hotkeys, if Force Press Rune option is enabled then it must be Use On Target else it must be Use With Crosshairs.
Do not use Brown Backpacks or character will get stuck. 

Price: 500k
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(iBot) ED - Farmine Mines by BlakW

Exp Hour: No bonus = 40k ~ 80k | Bonus = 70k ~ 150k
Loot Hour: +5k to +15k
Vocation: Sorcerer
Difficulty: Easy
Level: 50+ 
Quest required: The New Frontier Quest (mission 8)  

Spells Version. 

Notes: If you wish to use/repair soft boots you can use Flying Carpet (need last mission of New Frontier Quest) path or Cormaya path. 

Price: 150k
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(iBot) MS - Farmine Mines by BlakW

Exp Hour: No bonus = 40k ~ 80k | Bonus = 70k ~ 150k
Loot Hour: +5k to +15k
Vocation: Sorcerer
Difficulty: Easy
Level: 50+ 
Quest required: The New Frontier Quest (mission 8)  

Spells Version. 

Notes: If you wish to use/repair soft boots you can use Flying Carpet (need last mission of New Frontier Quest) path or Cormaya path. 

Price: 200k
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter

(iBot) MS - Banuta Serpent Spawns (SD) by BlakW

Exp/hour No bonus = 300k ~ 450k | Bonus = 400k ~ 600k
Loot/hour -15k to +20k
Recommended level: 200+
Vocation: Sorcerer
Difficulty: Moderate

Description: Sudden Death Rune Version.
Attention:Do not use Brown Backpacks or character will get stuck.

Notes: Make sure you always carry a Normal Rope and a Normal Shovel.
Make sure you have access to the Banuta shortcut (Egg of the Many).

Price: 400k
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/jskyter